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Writer's pictureKelly Kramer

Beauty is everywhere,you only have to look to see it.

This is a quote I found today written by Bob Ross. What do you see in this picture? Some may see fog and clouds. Others see the sunrise and how it reflects on the water. I see a shoreline similar to where I live and a beautiful sunrise It makes me remember the warmth of summer especially when out my window today it is windy and stormy. I find that how we look at life will often mirror our thought patterns. On a good day, most things look brighter, on a not-so-good day life can look more gloomy. Mindset frames our everyday life. Not all days can be warm and fuzzy but how we work to see a positive side to that gloom makes all the difference. The same is true for how we talk to ourselves, yes I said that! Using words that are negative or derogatory will always make us feel diminished and not the powerful humans that we ALL are created to be. This is not to say you have to be laughing and happy all the time. We grow from the difficult times in life. Learning to see all of our life journeys as a learning experience can help us to flow through the difficult moments with more ease. Each day ask yourself ...What will I learn today? and ask to walk through it gratefully.

If you enjoyed today's post I would love to see your feedback.

#happiness#growth#joy#life is a

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3 commentaires

28 janv. 2022

Very well said Mary, and such a beautiful shore. I see the ray sun across the water to the possibilities for myself. It is important to take the time to "be still" and savor the moment. This is not something I do often. Looking at life events and trying to see the positive can be hard. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason ... it is all part of the journey. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and prompting me to celebrate what the day has brought.

Mary English
Mary English
29 janv. 2022
En réponse à

You are welcome💚


28 janv. 2022

Well said, cup half full concept is good to keep in mind on gloomy days:)

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