Over the past few weeks I have been listening to many conversations as well as being a part of them.I have noticed how words even a single word can change the way something is interpreted. I see it in facial expressions, body language,others words, tone of voice and even as tears. Growing up we encounter many words and phrases that just seem to become part of normal conversatrion.We see them as just words .Perhaps a more accurate description is that we were blindly following the crowd. As humans we seem to do this and yes we all have done it at some point in our lives.Why do we follow others behavior ... to fit in, to sound important .I do not have the answer to that. It is easy when others listening agreed or laughed at phrases that were derogatory to another person be it a gender, color, heritage.Even the thought of this makes me shuddder yet I have found myself doing this very thing. I believe that most of us do not intentionlly want to hurt or injure another purposely but we do it and likely more often that we realize. I found myself in this very postiion this past week. I realized it only as I was thinking over a conversation I had that day.I think maybe it was meant as a message to be more aware of how I interacted with others and it worked !!! I was disappointed and upset with myself for a lapse of judgement and needed to find a way to deal with the situation. Luckily I was able to reach out and my appolgy accepted .I learned an important lesson last week and will do better going forward. In the world we live in words can be very destructive . We talk about being kind and loving others unconditionally, our words are part of that mission. WORDS DO HAVE POWER. USE THEM WISELY !
As always I welcome any feedback both pro and con it helps us all learn and grow.