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Part 2 of a Grief Journey.

Grief is deffinitely a journey of emotnions.In the days right after my husbands death he was constantly on my mind.All the "woulda , shoulda coulda thoughts " kept my mind active It is very closely connected to a guilt we put on ourselves.That was a big learning curve. In my heart I knew I did everything that I could but my head was not on the same page.This is part of the grief work I speak about that can be draining , exhausting as we work through the early days.These things do settle out as time passes as long as we acknowledge them for what they are ... a GRIEF RESPONSE and it is normal. My way of working through things was to talk about Marv and yes sometimes talk to him. I still sometimes talk to him. It often goes like this .... where are my keys? I f you put them back where they belong you could find them!! Yes this makes me laugh because it was a normal conversation for us. I still think of him often for short spurts but the pain has changesd to remembering our good times and missing them. I have found things that make my heart sing and combine my present joy with the gift of our life together for 43 years..This took time but I wanted to honor his memory by learning to be happy .Although this may sound easy it was work and as I share parts of my story it is now 7 years that he has been gone..Sometimes there are things that can still trigger a few moments of sadness but they do not happen as often.


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